Wednesday, July 21, 2010

This Is What Public-Sector Unions and Socialism Gets You

Democratically-elected governments cannot resist caving to public sector union demands for big wages, bigger benefits, and even bigger pension entitlements. After all, it's not their money, it's not even their company's money, it's "the peoples" money -- and governments can simply tax, re-tax, and re-re-tax them without providing corresponding goods and services as in the private sector. So why not over-pay public sector employees and avoid messy show-downs?

Plus, left-wing governmentalists are soft-hearted and soft-headed when it comes to paying people more than they deserve. It's part of the mind of the delusional left -- viewing reality as they wish it were instead of how it really is.

So, how has it worked out for Greece?

"Greece starts putting island land up for sale to save economy"

"Selling off our future to pay for public sector union entitlements -- one tiny island at a time"™

That's how reality works out.

Great for this generation -- they're entitled to their entitlements, and paying for them is not their problem. But not so great for the generations to come. Conservatism has the opposite vision -- of living within our means, building for the future, and reality-based economics.

Leftists are delusional.™

1 comment:

  1. It is "delusional" to give handouts to the special interest groups that help get your party elected?

    Then the Republicans are equally "delusional" -- giving handouts to farmers (generally multi-million dollar corporates), no-bid contracts to military contractors, etc, etc.

    It's not "delusional", its just prioritising good politics over good government. All politicians do it to some extent.
